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本症における起炎菌の問題に関しては,従来多数の学者により検討報告されてきたが年次的累加の傾向を示す耐性ブドウ球菌や緑膿菌,変形菌を主体とするGram陰性桿菌群の異常増加とAspergillus, Candidaなどの真菌類の出現がみられ,これらの菌が中耳腔より単独ないし混合感染の形で検出され難治な中耳炎の一因となつていることは周知のとおりである。
Colimycin F, composed of colimycin, fradiomycin and hydrocortisone acetate, was used as eardrops in treatment of 11 cases of acute otitis media and 10 cases of chronic otitis media. In 12 cases the agent appeared to be highly effective, 43%, in 10 cases fairly effective, 36% but, there was no change in 6 cases, 21%.
In 2 cases the ear discharge increased with the treatment which was accompanied by irritated skin of the external ear canal believed to be the result of fungus infection.

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