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感染症に対する化学療法剤は,近年,枚挙にいとまないほど新規の抗生物質,すなわち,合成Cephalosporin C,Kasugamycin,AminosidinあるいはEnduracidinなどが相ついで研究開発され,すぐれた研究業績の報告が取られる。
The efficacy of Gentamicin as an antibactricidal agent was tested in treatment of acute purulent otitis media. A 0.4% solution of this drug was used externally as ear drops; it was found to be highly effective against coagulase-positive staphylococci, hemolytic streptococci, pseudomonas acruginosa and bacillus colon.
Overall test showed the drug to be effective in 64.3% of cases; fairly effective in 21.4% and no-change in 14.3%. No side-effect was noted.

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