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ATP(Adenosine triphosphate)は1928年Lohmann等によつて筋肉中に発見せられた物質で,酵素化学に於て重要な役割を有する補酵素である。
内耳に於けるエネルギー発生には糖代謝とKrebs cycle(TCA回路)が最も重要で,内耳性難聴の病理は主としてこれら代謝系の障害にある事が最近注目せられるようになり,更に酸素欠乏による内耳組織の変性に際しても酸化性燐酸化の賦活が組織呼吸の回復に極めて有効である事が認められるに至つた。従つて血行改善,燐及び糖代謝等に重要な役割を演ずるATPが内耳性難聴の予防及び治療に有効である事は当然予想せられる所であり,且又此事は水越・兵・東条或は小出の諸氏により実験的にも確認せられている。
The effects of administration of adenosine triphosphate in cases of nerve deafness are studied. The patients are composed of 7 cases 12 ears of Meniere's disease, 4 cases 7 ears of sound traumatism, 8 cases 13 ears unknown nerve injury, and 14 cases 25 ears of streptomycin deafness, the total of 33 cases 57 ears. The treatment consisted of the use of adephos, a derivative of adenosine triphosphate, admixed with adequate amounts of Vitamin B1 and solution of glucose given daily by intravenous route.
By this method of treatment hearing recovery was recognized in 19 ears out of the 57 ; favorable results were also seen in cases of Maniere's syndrome, of sound trauma and other nerve deafnesses whose cause was known but within 3 years after their respective onset.
Tinnitus in 13 ears out of 20 showed alleviation or recovery ; 6 cases of Meniere's syndrome showed a complete recovery.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.