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本症の耳鼻咽喉科領域での報告は極めて稀で鼻腔異物を感染源としての報告は2,3みるも手術に合併せる報告は昭和9年羽根氏の上顎洞手術後に偶発した破傷風の死亡例と,1951年Vilardoseの鼻内手術後に偶発した破傷風の死亡例との2例の報告をみるのみである。(1906 Boergerが鼻腔内木片異物より発生せる定型的Rose型破傷風を報告し鼻腔粘膜より感染せる最初の例とす)私は副鼻腔炎根治手術後に合併した破傷風の1治験例を経験したので,ここに追加報告し諸兄の御批判を仰ぐものである。
It is rarely the case that tetanus comes into question in the field of Otorhinolaryng-ology, especially that the desease is combi-ned with inflammations of auxiliary nasal cavity. Although we may rarey see an outp-atient who calls on a doctor to take medicaladvice on account of tetanie which is early symptoms of tetanus, we can diagnose comp-aratively easily in that case. It is not always easy, howevers that we diagnose the tetanus from symptoms accompanied with operation. We are apt even to delay diagnosis of teta-nus in case that patients present the same symptoms as tetanie. After operation owing to the spread of inflammation. Because sym-ptoms appear suddenly and are malignant, I believe that early diagnosis is the most imp-ortant duty for the nose, ear and throat spe-cialist.
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