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語音による聴力検査は,純音聴力検査と共に実施され,従来は肉声及び咡語を聴取する距離測定方法によつて行われて来たが,これらの方法では広範囲の音エネルギーが得られないためLucaeのPhonometer,FowlerのSound Level Meter等の方法が用いられていた。しかし,これとても安定性,信頼性を欠くという短所がある。最近,電気音響機械の発達と共に語音聴力検査法も急足の進歩を逐げつつあり,現在,主として用いられる語音検査装置には音盤1〜3)又はTaperecorder4〜11)が利用されている。私は聴力正常者に対し,Taperecorderを使用し,語音明瞭度検査法を行ってきたが,12〜15)今回は語音表の種類,音声学的条件等の基礎的問題について2,3の知見を得たのでここに報告する。
Using the taperecorder as the voice sourse hearing tests were made on normal ears.
The degree of hearing appeared to be better, regardless of conversational or word test when test included such sounds as ca, like in cat, Kyo and Kwa than otherwise.
There were no difference in the degree of hearing in the two instance when the examination was repeated one month later under similar condition.
No difference was noted by sex.
Reception of conversational voice appeared to be worse when words were spoken in staccato quality than that in tenuto.
Reception was worse when spoken in falsetto voice when compared to other quality of voices that may be high in pitch or near their lower limit.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.