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幼児の純音聴力検査は,Dix and HallpikeのPeep show test1)の如き遊戯聴力測定と,鈴木,荻場の条件詮索反射聴力測定2),荻場の同改変法3)等の研究に依り,満1歳以下の幼児にさえ,手軽に高い信頼性を以つて行える様になつたので,従来純音聴力測定の肩代り的意味で使用されていた,幼児の語音聴力測定にも,成人と同様な鑑別診断的意味を有する方法の導入が望まれているのである。しかるに就学前の幼児を対象とする,この様な鑑別診断的意味を有する語音聴力測定法は遺憾ながら現在迄報告されていない。私は此の立場に立つ1つの測定法を構成し実施しているが,本法は容易に行え,信頼し得る成績を得る事が出来るので,ここに主として測定装置及び測定方法を紹介して,御批判を仰ぐ次第である。
Hearing test among children of pre-school age, 3 to 6, was conducted with successful results. Twenty one-syllable words were selected as test-words; these words were repeated by the child under test after the miner and recorded in the disc recorder. One hundred seventy four children were tested in this way; in 95% of the number who were considered as normal in hearing the audio-metric graphs for verbal hearing resembled closely those that were taken from adults.
In cases of conduction deafness, depending on the degree of deafness, the graphic curve has a tendency to be shifted to the right; the degree of maximum clearity seems to be in agreement with that of normal children.
In cases of nerve deafness the graphic cur-ve obtained will be varied and complicated. just as those that might be shown in similar adult cases; maximum clearity in these cases will never reach that of the normal.

Copyright © 1963, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.