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古くから慢性副鼻腔炎,慢性鼻炎等の鼻疾患に種々な手術法が行われてきた。慢性副鼻腔炎に対しては罹患した洞を総て開放し病的粘膜を完全に取り除くという徹底的手術法が行われ,又専門家によつては洞を開放はするが,粘膜は除去しないで保存する。更に強い保存的方法をとる人は洞の排泄に主眼をおいて下鼻道に対孔をあけるとか,鼻内より上顎洞自然孔附近を開放するだけである。かくの如く徹底的手術から極端な保存療法に到るまで多くの段階があるが,その何れもが相当の成績を挙げていることと,しかもその何れもが術もう一息と云う点で停滞する所に問題があると思う。又固有鼻腔の疾患殊に肥厚性鼻炎に対してのConchotomie,Submucose Turbinektomieは前者は効果不充分であり,後者は病的粘膜を残し,健康なる下鼻甲介骨を除去し,下鼻道を消失させる処に不合理がある。しかも両法とも再び鼻閉塞感などの症状が現われてくる欠点がある。然るに高橋研三氏の発表した理論及び手術法は全く独創的のもので注目に価する。
Sasaki attempted to re-evaluate Takahashi's intranasal plastic surgery. Following removal of the greater part of mucous membrane from the inferior turbinate, scab formation over the structure may last for the period of 1-2 months in its duration but no ozena was caused thereby. The denuded turbinate finally heal by a growth of healthy granulations and becoming adequate in shape and size. Through this method of operation the complaints of nasal impairement were almost altogether eliminated to establishea condition a proper nasal breathing. Postnasal drips, excessive nassal discharges, and headaches were likewise eliminated ; the sense of smell was recovered. The operation proved to bring cure of hypertrophic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis ; asthmatic symptoms were markedly alleviated. The author concluded that betterment in the results may be easily expected by increased acquirement of technical experience and the claims fo merit of the operation as advanced by Takahashi are not by any means an over-emphasis.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.