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Nishihata and associates state that Takahashi's endonasal plastic operation is highly efficacious in treatment of various nasal diseases causing symptoms of nasal obstruction, hyperrhinorrhea, post-nasal discharge and headache when evaluated by relative ralief of symptoms.
They emphasize the fact that, by calling attention to the illustrations that are offered in the publications of Ino Kubo's and Lauten-schlager's books, the concept of what might be considered as normal nose is highly indefinite in the scope of its definition.
The authors found a bare 0.5% which might be considered as having a normal nose according to Takahashi's definition of normalcy from among a different groups of individuals 269, 190, 320 and 200 persons in number. From the group of persons who were operated upon for paranasal sinusitis, who numbered 81, there was none who might be considered as having a normal nose : 70% of this number were regarded as being beyond the midpoint in the degree of nasal involvement.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.