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The abortive therapy aimed at an early arrest of tonsillitis advocated by Dr. Kenzo Takahashi was given a trial in 15 cases, 9 males and 6 females, during the period of 5months January to May, 1960. As a measu-re for premedication the patient's throat parti-cularly the palatine tonsils, palatine arch, lingual radix and the posterior pharyngealwall are carefully painted with 4% xylocain solution until an adequate anesthetic effects were produced. The palatine tonsils are then painted over with 20% silver nitrate solution which would be followed by another painting over the same area with 10% tincture of iodine. The patients were examined 24 and 48 hours later for notation of results.
The treatment was effective by 94% in elimination of the redness of inflammation ; 100% towards elimination of throat pain and lacunar obstructions ; and 65% effective tow-ards elimination of tonsillar swelling.
In 89% of cases the treatment was effecti-ve in lowering the body temperature to the normal ; general feeling of well being was produced in 92% of cases thereby.
As an over-all results 14 cases out of the 15(93%) were cured by this treatment alone.
The method of this treatment is discussed from the premises maintained by Rely Phen-omenon and focussed reactions.
Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.