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この難聴の治療として,1879年Politzelの塩酸ピロカルピン刺激療法を始めとし,Speranskyにより創唱された脳脊髄液パンピング療法,高単位V. B1静注療法或はその髄液内注入療法,アリナミン療法,ノイロトロピン静注療法,セフアランチン療法,間脳或は上頸神経節照射療法等,従来色々と行われている。この様に多くの治療法が存在することからも示される様に,その後の研究或は追試に於いても,特別の場合を除いては,未だ確実なものはなく,余り治療効果も期待されず,決定的の治療法,治療剤はまずないと云つても差支えない様に思われる。私は最近生化学の目覚ましい発展に伴い,糖蛋白の重要な構成成分であると云われるChondroitin sulfate(以下CSと略す)を神経性難聴患者に使用し,その臨床的観察を行い,その効果を知ることが出来たので,ここに報告する次第である。
Chondroitin sulfate is used in 65 cases of nerve deafness, 126 ears, which were found to be established by various causes such as toxicosis, occupational noises, trauma, causes unknown and senility. The dosage consisted of 60mg of the drug administered daily by intravenous route. Subjective improvement of hearing occurred in 50% of the total number of cases. The improvement of hearing by audiogram substantiated 40%. The response with improvement seemed to take place most readily in those loss of hearing that occurred by exposure to occupational noises and which were followed by those that were caused by toxicosis and causes unknown ; by audiographic types those who showed diptype were most responsive and followed by horizontal and acutely descending types. The use of the drug appeared to be the more effective the lesser the loss and the period of that involvement. The effectivity was seen for improvement in 60% cases of tinnitus aurium.

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