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小児における慢性副鼻腔炎と病巣感染の問題については,欧米ではMitchell14),Arbuckle15),Jeans16),Shook17),Montgomery18),Cone19),Finkelstein20)等 諸氏による記載があり,何れも小児でも慢性副鼻腔炎は病巣感染原病巣たり得る旨の報告を行つているが,系統的な観察はなされて居らない。最近当教室の野村13)は本疾患罹患児の多数例についての系統的な調査成績を発表しているが,私は学校保健の立場からこの問題を集団的に調査せんとし,昭和31年6月松本市内某小学校の全学童を対象として耳鼻科的検査,並びに心電図による検査を併せて行い,小児慢性副鼻腔炎と病巣感染の関係について可及的群細に検討を試みた所,次の如き興味ある成績を得たので茲にその大要を報告し,大方の御批判を仰ぐ次第である。
Shimodaira, in an attempt to study the role with which chronic sinusitis among children may play in becoming the focus of infection, examined 1240 children of primary school age from the viewpoint of ENT and electrocardiography. Of 132 individuals affected with sinusitis and 847 others who appeared to be normal from ENT and dental standpoint cardiac disturbances were found in 10.6% of the former and 5.7% of the latter, a fact which appear to prove that sinusitis is that focus of infection. Cardiac disturbances due to presence of sinusitis appeared to be more prevalent among the older children than the very young. No direct relation was established between cardiac disturbances and the degree in which disease changes of sinusitis may be in manifest.
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