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主として口腔,眼,外陰部の粘膜又は皮膚に難治性で再発の傾向が強いアフタ様潰瘍を生ずる疾患に対し1937以来Behcet氏症候群なる名称が与えられている。まだその本態は明らかにされて居らず,本症に関する報告も比較的少ない。H, Kochは30例を集計し,本邦では数例の報告を見る程度である。私は最近オツエナ患者に発生せる本症候群に極めて類似の1例を経験したので報告する。
Imokawa reports a case of atrophic rhinitis in whom the patient, aged 26, was affected concommittantly with Behcet's syndrome. For treatment of atrophic rhinitis submucous inserction of plastic material was instituted but, soon thereafter the patient's condition took a worsening turn. And at the same time the liver and kidneys became involved wite a high degree disturbances. At the end of 3 months since the beginning of the affection thus begun the patient died. The author believes that the underlying cause this affection in the patient to be that of allergic reaction.
Copyright © 1957, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.