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KATO Finds a case of Behcet's syndrome in a man 48 years old.
The history of the case reveals the patient to have been the sobject for the last 10 years ofrepeated attacks of pahthos lesions on the mu-cous membrane surface of the orl labium. Fur-thermore, the patient euffered an attack of uve-itis about 1 year after the onset of labial sym-ptoms which was followed by appearance of genital lesions 6 years later, and, concommit-tantly about this time the vision in the right eye was completely lost because of the onset of glaucoma.The oral lesions seemed to be influ-enced by seasonal changes by being aggravated in the fall and winter of each year.

Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.