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Ⅰ.緒論 直達鏡検査の普及して来た事は,我々専門医にとつて甚だ同慶に耐えない所である。が併し,一方最近思わぬ合併症がおこつた事例を,時折耳にする様になつて来た事は,甚だ殊念な事と云わねばならない。
Takeda presents a statistical review of peri-esophageal abcess found in the clinical records of patients who visited the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of Kyushu University Me-dical School during the period of last 20 years. The study comprised only of those abcesses caused by non-foreign-body origin. And etiolo-gically, 6 cases were found to be due to pro-cedures of esophaguscopy: 2 cases to esopha-geal biopsy and 2 cases to no known cause. The mortality rate of peri-esophageal abcess has been known to be high but cases due causes non foreign-body in origin appeared to be even higher. Therefore the author stresses the need of adopting measures that might prevent occurrence of injury to the esophageal lining in the process of esophaguscopy by first inserting a cotton stick into the entrance of the esophagus and by using no undue force under any circumstances in the insertion of the esophaguscope. Ttreatment of the established abcess is discussed.

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