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HAYASHI says that, for specific purposes, the method which he devised and named, par-tial layngofissure, is more suitable and advan-tageous than laryngofissures ordiparily descri-bed in various textbooks. The operation is simple with no necessity of preliminary tracheotomy. After exposure of the thyroid caltilage 0.5cc. of 5 per cent cocaine solution is instilled by drops into the larynx through the thyreo-cricoid mermbrane by means of injection needle; the cough reflex is thereby eliminated. The incision for the fissure on the thyroid cartilage is begun at the lower border on the midline and carried cephalad to a point slightly below the mid-point between the lower border and the thyroid notch. In this way the anterior attachment of the vocal cords is left undisturbed by the incision and to ensurre such safety the patient is requested to produce voice sounds during the procedure. Though the aperture, thus, made may be small a visibility is afforded to the vocal cords as well full as the larynx immediately below them. para-ffin injections into the vocal cords for treatment of unilateral paralysis have been successfully performed.

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