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Kitagawa made attempts to trace the origin of reticulo-endothelial cells in chronic nasal sinu-sitis. He classifies the diseased mucous membr-ane of nasal sinus into three types from histo-pathological manife stations the forms of which are edematous, infiltrated, and fibrous. The infil-trated type is found to occur in the least num-ber constituting 8 of 74 specimens examined. Presence of reticulo-endothelial cells were found most prevalent in the immediate surroun-dings of submucousal capillaries the bood sup-plyin region of tde mucous membranes; and, also in the deeper reticular structures but to a lesser extent. Transitional stages of reticuo-en-dothelial cells were observed to be separating from the cells of external wall of the capillaries and from cells of the reticular tissues. From these observations the author concludes that re-ticulo-endothelial cells arise for the greater part from external wall of the mucousal capillaries and to a certain extent from the cells of reticu-lar tissues beneath.

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