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脳血管奇形(cerebrovascular malformation:CVM)は,組織学的に,arteriovenous malforma-tion(AVM),cavernous angioma(CA),venousangioma(venou malformation:VM)およびin-tracerebral capillar telangiectasia(ICT)の4型に分類されてきた10,15).しかし,これらの4型のいずれに分類すべきか困難であったり,同一症例で2つ以上のCVMが隣接して認められたとする報告が散見される1,2,4,5,8-14,17-20).われわれは,頻回の出血を繰り返したCVMで,組織学的にVMとICTの混在した稀な1例を経験したので報告する.
We reported a rare case of frequent intracerebral hemorrhage from mixed vascular malformation in aninfant. A 1-year and 4-month-old girl was admitted with seizure. She had been diagnosed as having febrileconvulsion at the age of 8 months. Computed tomography (CT) indicated a multicystic mass without perifo-cal edema in the right frontal lobe. The mass was not enhanced by contrast media, but T1-weighted magne-tic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a multicystic mass with mixed signal intensity, while T2-weightedimage demonstrated a heterogenous high signal intensity mass with a marginal low intensity rim. Thesefindings suggested a cavernous angioma causing intracerebral hematomas. Because of this, total resectionwas achieved via a right fronto-temporal craniotomy without neurological deficits. Histologically, numerousdilated venous-type blood vessels interspersed within the normal brain parenchyma were seen. In parts, thevessel walls were abnormally thickened and the lesion coalesced with capillary-like vessels. We diagnosedmixed vascular malformation, mainly composed of venous malformation along with telangiectasia. Thenumber of reports for this so-called mixed vascular malformation have thus been increased. The histopa-thological criteria for classification of vascular malformation should be reinvestigated carefully.

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