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要旨 症例は29歳男性。視力消失,眼球突出および眼窩部痛で発症した。MRIにて眼窩内から視神経管を介し頭蓋内へ及ぶダンベル型の腫瘍を認めた。腫瘍は境界明瞭で,腫瘍内部と辺縁に血管と思われる多数のflow voidを認めた。脳血管造影では眼動脈および中硬膜動脈を栄養動脈とし,顕著に造影される腫瘍であった。摘出術はOrbito―zygomatic approachにて行い,頭蓋内と眼窩内の腫瘍をそれぞれ一塊として摘出した。腫瘍は視神経管内の視神経より発生していた。病理組織診断では典型的な血管芽腫であった。本症例は,血管芽腫孤発例であり,腫瘍の発生が視神経管内であったためダンベル型に腫瘍が増大したものと考えられた。
We report a case of optic nerve hemangioblastoma in a 29-year-old man without a family history of von Hippel-Lindau disease or the other organ symptoms. He had progressive loss of vision and proptosis with a dull pain in his right eye. Magnetic resonance image(MRI)showed a gadolinium(Gd) enhancing solid tumor involving the prechiasmal right optic nerve with intraorbital extension. The tumor contained many signal voids of vessels and grew like a dumbbell through the right optic canal. Digital subtraction angiography demonstrated that the hypervascular tumor was fed by the ophthalmic artery and the orbital ramus of the middle meningeal artery. We succeeded in total resection of this hypervascular tumor by orbito-zygomatic approach. This tumor grew unusually like a dumbbell because it occurred in the optic nerve at the part of the optic canal. Histological examination revealed the tumor to be a characteristic hemangioblastoma. The postoperative course was uneventful.
Supratentorial hemangioblastomas, especially optic nerve hemangioblastoma are extremely rare. This paper reviews the previous published cases and discusses their findings.
(Received : May 26, 2004)

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