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脊髄血管芽腫は脊髄腫瘍の約5%とされ,比較的まれな腫瘍であるが,MRI上Gd-DTPAにより強く増強され,tumor cystを伴うことが多く,signal void,血管写上の濃染像などより診断は比較的容易であり,治療は腫瘍の全摘出により通常良好な結果が得られる6).
しかし,常染色体優性遺伝疾患であるvon Hip-pel-Lindau病(VHL病)の脊髄病変として表れる場合,多発性の有無,網膜血管芽腫,腎細胞癌,副腎褐色細胞腫,腎および膵臓の嚢腫などの他臓器の病変の有無についても注意を払うことが必要であり,治療に際しても,脊髄病変の摘出のみでは終わらず,内科,眼科,泌尿器科などと連携して定期的に検査を行うことが必要となる.また,患者から遺伝学的な相談を受けることもあり,VHL病に合併する脊髄血管芽腫については特別な配慮が必要である.
Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder showing various clinic-al features. We analyzed 6 patients with spinal cord hemangioblastoma associated with VHL disease infour families. All patients had cerebellar hemangioblastomas. Four cases carried retinal hemangioblastomaand 5 cases showed visceral lesions ; renal cell carcinoma (2 cases), renal cyst (2 cases), pancreas cyst (2cases) and paraovarian tumor. In four cases, spinal cord hemangioblastomas were multiple.
Ten symptomatic or rapidly growing lesions in 5 patients were surgically resected. Two of these lesionswere extrameclullary spinal root hemangioblastoma. Operative results were good except for a case of ven-trally placed thoracic spinal intrameclullary hemangioblastoma who showed paraparesis postoperatively.One patient who suffered from complete paraplegia preoperatively did not recover after surgery. In twopatients, renal cell carcinoma was detected and nephrectomy was undergone. It was noteworthy that meta-stasis of renal cell carcinoma to the hemangioblastoma was histologically proved with anti-cytokeratin im-munostaining in two patients with VHL-associated renal cell carcinoma.
Molecular genetic analysis showed a missence mutation in one family and possible intragenic deletion inanother family. However, two families showed no VHL gene mutation with single strand conformationalpolymorphism or Southern blot analyses.
Spinal cord hemangioblastomas in VHL. disease are often multiple and located at various sites and seemto be underestimated. Surveillance should start in childhood and requires annual follow-up with imaging ofthe central nervous system and abdominal viscera. Presymptomatic diagnosis by gene analysis can be veryuseful for early detection of this disease.

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