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くも膜下出血をきたす原因の1つにsystemic lupuserythematosus(以下,SLEと略す)があることはよく知られた事実であるが,意外にそのような症例の報告は少なく,文献上においても,Dubois,Tuffanelli4,5)は,SLE 520例中3例に,Clark,Bailey2)は100例中2例にくも膜下出血を認めたにすぎないとしている.このたび当施設において,多発性脳動脈瘤を伴い,くも膜下出血を呈したSLEの1症例を経験したのでここに報告し,集め得た文献をもとにSLEにおけるくも膜下出血の原因,予後につき考察を加えた.
The author reports a case of systemic lupus ery-thematosus (SLE) with multiple intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
A 31-year-old woman was admitted to the depart-ment of internal medicine of Shizuoka General Hos-pital for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome due to systemic lupus erythematosus on 1984. She spend an uneventful life until April, 1985 when she suddenly complained of severe headache and nausea.
The computed tomographic scan revealed sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and the cerebral angiography showed multiple intracranial aneurysms and stenotic lesion.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.