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germ cell originの腫瘍は卵巣,睾丸の両性腺に最も多く発生し,次いで仙尾部,後腹膜,前縦隔,胸腺部といった正中線上に多く発生している.頭蓋内においても,松果体部,次いで鞍上部ないしはその近傍に発生しているが,その頻度は本邦のものでは全脳腫瘍中の8.8%10)(pinealoma)を占めている.
最近われわれは血清alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)が陽性であり,酵素抗体法により腫瘍組織内にAFPを証明しえた,第4脳室原発と思われるendodermal sinus tumor(Yolk sac tumor)を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を行い報告する.
A case, a 18-year-old male, of an undodermal tumor ( yolk sac tumor ) in the fourth ventricle, was reported. The patient had a month history of headache, vomiting and gait disturbance prior to the hospitalization. when he admitted to our service he was in lethargic conditittin with left cerebellar ataxia and horizontal nystagmus. Lumbar tap revealed clear CSF under normal pressureof 110mm H2O with the CSF protein of 432.5mg/dl and cell count of 147/3. The vertebral angiograhy demonstrated space occupying lesion in the posterior fossa.

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