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"Moyamoya"病における同胞例,親子例および家系発生例はこれまで十数組の報告がみられるが,一卵性双生児の発症例は1組にすぎない.最近われわれは,一卵性双生児に本症を経験し,1例は剖検所見を検討することができ,他の1例には浅側頭動脈一中大脳動脈吻合術,およびencephalo-myo synangiosisを施行し,症状を軽快しえたので,若干の考察を加えて報告する.
Congenital anomaly embryonal persistent vessel and/or secondary collateral pathway are thought as an etiology or pathogenesis of Moyamoya Disease (M.M.D.), but the truth is still unknown. Authors have reported here, twins of M.M.D. Pathological findings are examined in an autopsy case. In other case, right hemiparesis and dysphasis is unproved by STA-MCA anastomosis and encephalo-myo synangiosis. In a review of literature of 8 brothers (17 cases), participation of hereditary factors for genesis of M.M.D. are discussed.

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