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原発性頭蓋内胎児性癌は外科的治療がむずかしく放射線治療も無効なことが多いため予後の悪い脳腫瘍とされている.私たちはalpha-fetoprotein (AFP)産生原発性頭蓋内胎児性癌の1例にcis-plalinumを含む多剤併用療法を行い,CTスキャンでの腫瘍の消失,血中および髄液中におけるAFPの著明な低下,臨床症状の改善を得たので報告する.
A case of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) producing primary intracranial embryonal carcinoma was reported with special reference to the chemotherapy. The patient was a 14-year-old male who had suffered from vomiting and disturbance of consciousness. CT scan revealed a tumor originating of the anterior part of the third ventricle and expanding into both lateral ventricles. Right frontotemporal craniotomy was performed and the tumor was totally removed under the microscope. The histological diagnosis was embryonal carcinoma. Inspite of the elevated amount of AFP in the serum, we could not verify the yolk sac element in the surgical specimen.

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