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脊髄内出血はその大部分が外傷に起因し12),いわゆる特発性脊髄内出血"spontaneous hematomyelia"の発生は稀なものとされている.文献上,本邦報告例はわれわれの調べた範囲では,加藤ら9)の1例のみと思われる.われわれは最近,突然の背部から上肢にかけての痛みで発症し,その後急激に四肢麻痺・知覚解離などの症状を呈したspontaneous hematomyeliaの1手術例を経験し良好な結果を得たので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A case of spontaneous hematomyelia was reported with a review of the literature. A :39-year-old woman, with sudden onset of pain in her left neck and arm 13 days previously, presented with a progressive flaccid tetraplegia below C5, dissociated sensory loss from C7 through Th4 dermatome and a minimal deep sensory loss in her right leg. Myelography revealed a symmetrical enlargement of the spinal cord at the leye of C5, CO and C7.
Laminectomy was performed and intramedullary blood clot, which was located in the region of CO and C7, was evacuated.

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