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発症に先駆するmyelopathyを認めず,突然の疼痛発作後,急激に進行するlong tract signを特徴とする,いわゆる"spowaneous hematomyelia"は稀な疾患とされている.
今回著者らは,病理組織学的にcavernous hemangio-maが原因であった上位頸髄部の"spontaneous hemato-myelia"の1手術例を経験し,良好な結果を得たので報告するとともに,本疾患の概念,臨床像,診断および治療上の問題点に関して検討を加える.
We have reported a case of cervical spontaneoushema-tomyelia caused by cavernous hemangioma.
A 47-year-old woman experienced a sudden onset ofpain in the neck on 5 December 1979. One week aftertheonset she began to have tetraparesis. There was arapidlyincreasing weakness of the extremities and she wasreferredto our department on 25 December 1979. At that time,thepositive neurological findings were flaccidtetraplegia, bilateralloss of all sensory perception below the C4 level and urinaryretention. Chest x-ray films demonstrated anelevation ofright diaphragms. Roentgenograms of the cervicalspinewere normal.

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