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dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy(DRPLA)という表現を初めて用いたのはSmith58,59)である。その特徴は,臨床的には運動失調などの小脳症状と,chorcoathctoticな不随意運動などの錐体外路症状と眼振などであり,また病理学的には小脳歯状-核赤核系および淡蒼球—ルイ体系の両系統に変性病変を認める点にある。
Four cases of DRPLA were studied neuropathologically. The main pathological lesions were found not ony in the dentatorubral and pallidoluysian systems, but also in the tegmentum of the lower brainstem as well as in the spinal cord. In the dentate nuclei, there were severe rarefaction and dense gliosis. The majority of the remained neurons showed atrophic, vacuoral and chromatic changes. The clusters of degeneratedterminal buttons at the site of missing neurons-so called grumose degeneration-were also observed. However, Purkinje cells and the granural layer of the cerebellum were almost intact.

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