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運動失調マウスrolling mouse Nagoya(RMN)にthyrotropin releasing hormone(TRH)を注射すると,失調性歩行の改善と行動量の増加あるいは前庭脊髄反射の短縮など種々の影響が見られることが祖父江ら1,24,26,27)によって報告されて以来,これが端緒となってTRHの脊髄小脳変性症(以下SCD)の患者に対する応用研究が開始された。
The efficacy, including dose-response relation-ship, and safety of TRH-T (Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Tartrate) were assessed in 290 patients of spinocerebellar degenerations (SCD) in a two-week study using placebo as control. Of them 254 satisfied the criteria for inclusion in the efficacy evaluation.
TRH-T was administered intramuscularly in dose of 2mg or 0.5mg (as TRH) once a day for two weeks.
Clinical evaluation was performed three times, at the end of 1 and 2 weeks of treatment period,and a week after the end of treatment.

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