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私たちは,本症の病因の究明のため,本症におけるクレアチン代謝の異常に着目し,とくにクレアチンの分解過科の研究を行ない,まず,人骨格筋中にクレアチン尿素代謝経路,creatine-urea pathwayのあることを見出し,ついで,この代謝経路の中のクレアチナーゼcreatinaseが,Duchenne型筋ジストロフィー症では異常な性格を有することを明らかにした。本文ではそれらの成績を示す。
During a course of study on creatine metabolism in the patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), we found firstly the presence of creatin-ase activity as well as the presence of sarcosine dehydrogenase activity in human skeletal muscle. This prompts us to propose a new pathway of urea synthesis in man, i.e. creatine-urea pathway. We also found that creatinase in skeletal muscle of DMD patients has the kinetic behavior markedly different from that of normal creatinase. The molecular alteration of DMD creatinase is considered to be intimately related to the primary etiology of DMD.

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