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プリオン蛋白(PrP)は,プリオン病の病原体“プリオン”の構成およびプリオン病の病態に深く関与する宿主蛋白である(Prusiner et al, 1998)。正常組織に発現する正常型PrP(PrPC)が何らかの機構で構造変換して産生された異常型PrP(PrPSc)が,プリオンである。プリオン病にかかると,プリオンすなわちPrPScがPrPCに作用し,PrPCをPrPScに変換させる。そして,新たに産生されたPrPScは,さらに新たなPrPCに作用しPrPScに変換させる。このようにして,プリオン病罹患脳内ではPrPScが蓄積し,プリオンが増殖する。実際,PrPCを発現しないPrP遺伝子欠損(Prnp0/0)マウスは,プリオンを接種しても,プリオン病にかからず,プリオンすなわちPrPScの産生も起こさない(Bueler et al, 1993;Sakaguchi et al, 1995)。このようにPrPは非常に特異的な宿主蛋白であり,PrPにはファミリー分子は存在しないとこれまで考えられていた。しかし,筆者らとカナダの両グループは,ほぼ同時期に,PrP遺伝子の約18 kb下流に存在するPrP類似蛋白遺伝子を発見した。筆者らは,この遺伝子産物をPrP-like protein(PrPLP)と命名したが,カナダのグループはdoppel(英語でdoubleの意)と名付けた(Li et al, 2000a;Moore et al, 1999)。
The prion protein-like protein, PrPLP/doppel, is a protein homologous to the C-terminal two-third of PrP with 23%identity in the primary structure. The highest expression of PrPLP/doppel was detectable in testes. The ablation of its gene resulted in infertility in male but not in female, indicating that PrPLP/doppel is important for the spermatogenesis. In the brains of mice, PrPLP/doppel is transiently expressed in the endothelial cells only at an early stage of life, but its physiological function in the cells has not been understood. Interestingly, the ectopic PrPLP/doppel expression in the Purkinje neurons of the mice deficient for PrP caused the cell degeneration. Molecular mechanisms of the PrPLP/doppel-induced neurodegeneration may account for some aspects of the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, it is enigmatic to elucidate the relationship between PrPLP/doppel and prion diseases. No upregulation of PrPLP/doppel mRNA could be detected in the brains of mice intracerebrally inoculated by prions. The mice ectopically expressing PrPLP/doppel in the neurons showed neurological symptoms and died after the infection by prions with an identical time course to the mice without the ectopic expression of PrPLP/doppel.Moreover, no infectivity associated with PrPLP/doppel was generated in the mice. These findings indicated that PrPLP/doppel is unlikely to associate with prion diseases.

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