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脳由来神経栄養因子BDNF(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)は,脳に多く存在する成長因子として神経細胞に多様な生理作用を与える。その中でも,BDNFによる成熟脳機能の調節,つまり,シナプス伝達およびシナプス可塑性の調節は,(1)神経活動依存的なBDNFの合成,(2)神経活動依存的なBDNFの分泌,(3)BDNFによるシナプス機能の促進と可塑性からなる,ポジティブフィードバックループによると考えられて,様々な実験モデルによってその作用モデルは検証されてきた。この総説では,ヒトBDNF遺伝子の一塩基多型SNPに着目することで,BDNFがヒト脳機能を調節する可能性を示した研究を紹介する。SNPのデータベースは,新しい神経研究の方向を示しているのかもしれない。
There is accumulating evidence demonstrating that BDNF(brain-derived neurotrophic factor)is an important regulator for activity-dependent neuronal plasticity. Despite the substantial evidence with animals, it has been difficult to ask whether BDNF is involved in human cognitive functions. To address this question, we have focused on a SNP in human BDNF gene, which converts valine(val)to a methionin(met)in BDNF pro-domain. We found that human subjects with met allele exhibit lower neuronal activity, abnormal hippocampal activation and impairment in episodic memory. Cell biological study with rodent hippocampal neurons in culture showed that met-BDNF was not appropriately packaged into regulatory secretion vesicles and that the activity-dependent secretion of met-BDNF was significantly lower than that of val-BDNF. The combination of functional analyses of the consequences of a human SNP with the cell biological studies appears to be a powerful strategy to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of human brain functions and SNP functions.

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