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原因の特定困難な潜因性脳梗塞のうち,塞栓性機序が推定されるものを塞栓源不明脳塞栓症(embolic stroke of undetermined source:ESUS)と呼ぶ。ESUSの疾患概念が提唱されたのには抗凝固療法,特に直接阻害型経口抗凝固薬(direct oral anticoagulants:DOAC)に適した集団を抽出する意図がある。ESUSの定義は,既知の原因疾患を除外することに基づいており,さまざまな病態が含まれる。
A new clinical construct, embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) was established as a therapeutically relevant entity, which are defined as a non-lacunar infarction without proximal arterial stenosis or cardioembolic sources, with a clear indication for anticoagulation, especially with direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC). The possible embolic sources include covert atrial fibrillation, arterial stenosis with <50%, low-risk emboligenic cardiac sources, aortic plaque, cancer-associated, and paradoxical embolism. As its diagnosis is based on exclusive process, ESUS comprises heterogeneous pathologies. Though current Japanese guideline recommends antiplatelets for non-cardioembolic stroke, ESUS may benefits from anticoagulants. Randomized trials testing DOAC for the secondary prevention of ESUS are currently ongoing.
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