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膀胱後部線維肉腫は本邦では4例目にあたる.また本症例は,過去に左精索肉腫,左鼠径部皮膚癌に罹患していた稀な症例である.術前にVAC療法(vincristine, actino—mycin D, cisplatin)を1クール施行した後,骨盤内臓器全摘術,人工肛門造設術,回腸導管造設術を施行した.患者は,術後2年9ヵ月目に肺転移のため死亡した.
A case of retrovesical fibrosarcoma in a 52 year-old man was reported. Only 53 cases of retrovesical sarcoma have been reported in the Japanese literature. Of retrovesical sarcomas, fibrosarcoma is extremetly rare and this is the 4 th case reported in Japan. Moreover, the patient had a history of sarcoma of the spermatic cord and skin cancer of the inguinal region. After a chemotherapy with vincristine, actinomycin D and cisplatin (VAC), the patient underwent a pelvic evisceration with construction of ileal conduit and artificial anus.

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