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腰仙部嚢腫性二分脊椎症の手術法について,最近また種々議論されるようになつた。脊髄髄膜瘤に関して1980年McLonc1)は,より生理的な神経環境の構築が残存する神経機能の活性をはかり,あわせて脊髄のtetheringの防止を期待できるものと考え,neural plaqueを含めた神経組織の温存,central canalの再建という新しい術式を提唱した(第1図)。しかし,1981年Guthkelchら2)はneural plaque切除術,温存例,ならびにcen-tral canal再建例の機能的予後に差のないことを指摘している。
Since 1979 a new reconstructive technique has been adopted for spina bifida cystica lumbosacralis in the Department of Neurosurgery. Niigata University Hospital. The technique consisted of anatomical reconstruction of the spinal cord and its covering, establishing a more normal environment for neural tissues without loss themselves. The effects of the reconstructive surgery on the bladder function were investigated in the Department of Urology, comparing the results of the 17 cases (3 boys and 9 girls), in which the new technique was applied, with those of the previous 39 cases, where the resective tech-nique was chiefly performed.

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