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1920年代には絶望的ともいえる10%程度の生存率1)しかえられなかつたウイルムズ腫瘍も小児外科,小児麻酔,術前術後管理の進歩やX線照射の併用により1940年代になるとGrossら2)は50%近い治癒率を報告しうるようになつた。更にFarber3)やFernbachら4)のアクチノマイシンD (以下AMDと略)導入により著しく治療成績は向上しD'angio5)らはNational Wilms' Tumor Studyにてgroup1X線併用群の2年生存97%という驚異的成績を報告している。
During 1961-1978 period, 26 cases of Wims' tumor were treated at the Yokohama City University Hospital and it's affiliate hospitals.
Factors affecting prognosis such as age at initial diagnosis, clinical staging (NWTS clinical group), tumor weight, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy were analyzed.
Overall 2 and 5 year actual survival rates were 69 and 55% respectively. 75% of the actinomycin-D treated group survived two years. Two year survival rate of National Wilms' Tumor Study group 1 was 86%.
Initial age, tumor weight and local irradiation did not affect prognosis of the children bearing Wilms' tumor significantly.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.