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前立腺腺腫摘出後に尿路の確保と止血を目的として尿道にカテーテルが挿入されるが,この際発生する感染防止のために各種の方法が試みられてきた6,15)。しかし,わが国では尿排出経路の完全なclosed systemを採用しているところはなお少なく,抗生物質の投与にも限界のあることが知られている5)。
The prognosis of 41 cases who underwent suprapubic prostatectomy at the Department of Urology. Hiroshima University, was investigated by three consecutive midstream quantitative urine cultures, i. e. before operation, at the time of discharge and 6 months after surgery, and the following results were obtained.
1) Bacteriuria at 6 months after discharge was noticed in 57.1% among those with infected urine before surgery which showed definitely poor prognosis compaired to the 18.7% among those without urinary infection before surgery.

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