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平滑筋腫は,①女性生殖器(子宮)や消化管などに発生する平滑筋腫(leiomyoma,solid leiomyoma),②血管壁の平滑筋より発生する血管平滑筋腫(vascular leiomyoma,angioleiomyoma),③立毛筋や皮膚に発生する平滑筋芽腫(epithelioid leiomyoma,leiomyoblastoma),の3タイプに分類されている1)。平滑筋腫の多くは子宮から発生する子宮筋腫である。一方,血管平滑筋腫は主に静脈の血管平滑筋から発生し,好発部位は四肢の皮膚や皮下組織であり,頭頸部領域では比較的稀とされている2〜4)。今回われわれは,鼻前庭に発生した血管平滑筋腫の1例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する。
We report a case of vascular leiomyoma that occurred on the left nasal vestibule.
A 70-year-old male was diagnosed with a mass in the left nasal vestibule 3 years ago.
The dark-red mass was located on the outer upper side of the lesion and gradually grew. The tumor was enhanced by CT and excised under local anesthesia with a radiofrequency surgical device using a transnasal approach. Based on histopathology, the patient was diagnosed with a vascular leiomyoma. To date, the postoperative clinical course has been uneventful. For tumors of the nasal vestibule, angioleiomyomas should be considered during treatment.

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