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唾液腺低悪性度篩状囊胞腺癌(low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma:LGCCA)は,唾液腺腫瘍WHO分類第3版で新たに記載された囊胞腺癌の1亜型であり,低悪性度唾液腺導管癌として以前は報告されていた非常に稀な腫瘍である。今回われわれは,耳下腺原発LGCCAの1例を経験したので報告する。
Low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma(LGCCA)is a rare salivary gland tumor, classified into a variant of cystadenocarcinoma by the 2005 WHO classification.
A 40-year-old man presented with a 25 mm mass in the left parotid gland. The preoperative magnetic resonance imaging revealed a cystic mass in the parotid gland and fine needle aspiration showed the tumor was compatible with parotid cyst. The patient underwent superficial parotidectomy with preservation of the facial nerve. The final diagnosis of the resected specimen was LGCCA.
He has been alived with no tumor recurrence or metastasis at the latest follow-up, 26 months after the surgery.

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