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(R1-9AM−4) ToxocaraCHEKを用いて血清と眼内液の抗トキソカラ幼虫抗原排泄物に対する抗体を測定し,その有用性についてELISAと比較検討した。対象は眼トキソカラ症の硝子体4例,血清12例と,他のぶどう膜炎と黄斑円孔の硝子体9例を用いた。眼トキソカラ症の硝子体は4例すべて両検査法で抗体陽性であった。血清抗体陽性率は両検査間で有意差はなかったが,疑陽性率はToxocaraCHEKが高く,逆に陰性率はELISAで高かった。その中で血清抗体は陰性で,硝子体抗体のみ陽性を示したものが1例あった。また,対照群の硝子体は両検査法ですべて陰性であった。以上からToxocaraCHEKはELISAとほぼ同等の感度があり,検査は迅速かつ簡便なため有用であり,また硝子体サンプルの検査が診断率向上に有用であると考えられた。
We evaluated ToxocaraCHEK which detects the antibody specific for the antigen of the larvae of Toxocara canis. We tested 4 vitreous specimens and 12 serum samples from ocular toxocariasis by ToxocaraCHEK and ELISA. Nine vitreous specimens from eyes with uveitis or macular hole served as control. All the 4 vitreous specimens were positive for ToxocaraCHEK and ELISA. Both tests showed similar results regarding positive rate in serum samples. ToxocaraCHEK showed a higher pseudopositive rate and ELISA showed a higher pseudonegative rate. One case showed negative serum antibody and positive vitreous antibody. Both tests showed negative results in vitreal samples from the controls. The findings show that ToxocaraCHEK is as sensitive as ELISA and allows rapid and easy detection. Additional examination of vitreous specimen contributes to an more accurate diagnosis.

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