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要約 目的:脈絡膜結核腫が片眼に生じ,その10年後に結核性脈絡膜炎が僚眼に発症した症例の報告。症例:70歳女性が1か月前からの左眼霧視で受診した。10年前に脈絡膜黒色腫が疑われ,右眼摘出を受けたが,病理学的検査で脈絡膜結核腫であった。所見:左眼矯正視力は0.6で,眼底後極部に白色斑が散在していた。白色斑は10日後に急増した。既往歴から結核性脈絡膜炎を疑い,4剤併用による抗結核治療を開始した。ツベルクリン反応は強陽性で,腋窩リンパ節の生検で結核性リンパ腺炎と診断した。治療開始から3週間後に後極部に漿液性網膜剝離が生じた。副腎皮質ステロイドの全身投与を行い,4か月後に網膜剝離は消退し,視力は1.0に回復した。結論:脈絡膜結核腫の既往がある症例の僚眼に脈絡膜炎が発症した。抗結核薬とステロイドの全身投与で治癒した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report acute choroiditis in a patient with history of choroidal tuberculoma in the fellow eye. Case:A 70-year-old female presented with blurring in the left eye since one month before. She had been suspected of choroidal melanoma in the right eye 10 years before. Enucleation led to the diagnosis of choroidal tuberculoma by histopathology. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.6 in the left eye. White patches were distributed in the posterior fundus. They increased 10 days later. Past history was suggestive of tuberculous choroiditis. She started receiving four antituberculous medications. Biopsy of axial lymph nodes showed tuberculous lymphadenitis. Serous retinal detachment developed 3 weeks later. Peroral corticosteroid was followed by remission 4 months later with visual acuity improving to 1.0. Conclusion:Antituberculous therapy with corticosteroid was effective for choroiditis in a patient with choroidal tuberculoma in the fellow eye in the past.

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