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(25C2-1) 長崎県の離島奈留島で住民の眼科検診を行った。全人口4,585人のうち643人が受診した。男性206名,女性437名であった。検査には,視力,屈折,眼圧,細隙灯顕微鏡,無散瞳眼底撮影,眼底検査を用いた。以下の疾患が発見された。白内障35.3%、翼状片9.3%,高血圧眼底2.6%,睫毛乱生2.3%,角膜白斑2.2%,網脈絡膜萎縮2.0%,水晶体嚢偽落屑1.8%,高眼圧または緑内障1.4%,網膜色素変性0.5%。翼状片と網膜色素変性が高率であり,眼科的に経過観察が必要な疾患が約30%にあった。
We performed ophthalmic examinations in residents of Naru Island in Nagasaki Prefecture. A total of 643 persons from the whole population of 4,585 joined the program. The series comprised 206 males and 437 females. The eye were examined for or by visual acuity, refraction, intraocular pressure, slitlamp microscopy, nonmydriatic fundus photography and funduscopy. Following diseases were detected : cataract 35.3%, pterygium 9.3%, hypertensive fundus 2.6%, trichiasis 2.3%, corneal leukoma 2.2%, retinochoroidal atrophy 2.0%, pseudoexfoliation 1.8%, ocular hypertension or glaucoma 1.4% and retinitis pigmentosa 0.5%. The incidence of pterygium and retinitis pigmentosa was higher than in the general population. About 30% of the series needed further ophthalmic follow-up.

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