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Nerve Fiber Analyzer GDx (GDx)を使い,健常50例50眼と早期緑内障50例50眼での乳頭周囲網膜神経線維層厚(NFLT)を測定した。緑内障眼は,すべてハンフリー30-2閾値検査でのmean deviationが−5dB以上とした。パラメータとして,symmetry,superior ratio,inferior ratio,superior/nasal,max.modulation,ellipse modulationのほか,新規に導入されたnormalized sup.area,nor—malized inf.area,ellipse standard deviation,discriminant analysis,sector analysisの11項目を採用した。これらパラメータのいずれかが異常と判定されたときの緑内障診断の感度は86%,特異度は54%であった。新しいGDxパラメータを用いたNFLT測定は,早期緑内障の検出に有用である可能性がある。
We measured the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (NFLT) in 50 normal eyes and 50 glaucomatous eyes, using a Nerve Fiber Analyzer GDx (GDx). The glaucomatous eyes showed mean deviation of -5dB or greater by Humphrey 30-2 program. We used the following 11 parameters: symmetry, superior ratio, inferior ratio, superior/na-sal, max. modulation, ellipse modulation, with the newly introducted parameters : normalized sup. area, normalized inf. area, elipse standard daviation, disciminant analysis, and sector analysis. When eyes were defined as abnormal if at least one parameter was abnormal, the sensitivity was 86% and the specificity was 54%. These findings show the po-tential usefulness of measurement of NELT using GDx with new parameters in the detection of early glaucoma.

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