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An 11-day-old female infant presented with leukocoria in the right eye and corneal opacity in the left. The right eye showed poorly developed iris stroma, everted iris pigment epithelium, white retrolental mass, elongated ciliary processes, and retinal folds running from the disc to the retrolental mass. The left eye showed diffuse corneal opacity,anterior staphyloma and poorly formed anterior chamber. The left eye was enucleated after marked progression of staphyloma at the age of 4 weeks. Histopathological findings were compatible with the diagnosis of Peters anomaly with posterior embryotoxon, maldevelopment of the iris and ciliary body, congenital uveal ectropion and goniodysgenesis. The right eye was clinically diagnosed as maldevelopment of the iris, congenital uveal ectropion, and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. It appeared that the complex of anomalies in both eyes were due to developmental disorders of the neural crest cells.

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