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(B6-2-29) 最近16年間に受診したPeters奇形30例を全身異常の有無で分類して検討した。全身異常を合併した群は10例で,成長発育遅延5例,口唇・口蓋裂,心奇形各4例などがみられた。平均年齢は2.0±1.5か月で,男性6例,女性4例,両眼性4例,片眼性6例であった。角膜水晶体癒着9例,他の眼異常を合併した症例は9例で,小眼球5例,前部ぶどう腫,後部胎生環各4例などであった。全身異常を合併しない群は20例で,平均年齢は6.3±22.8か月,男性11例,女性9例,両眼性9例,片眼性11例であった。角膜水晶体癒着4例,他の眼異常を合併した症例は9例で,小眼球7例,後部胎生環,強角膜症各2例などであった。角膜水晶体癒着の症例,他の眼異常を伴った症例は全身異常(+)群に有意に多かった。
We reviewed 30 cases of Peters' anomaly during the past 16 years. Systemic disorders were present in 10 cases, including retarded growth 5 cases, cleft lip and/or palate 4 cases and heart anomalies 4 cases. They were aged 2.0 ±1.5 months and comprised 6 males and 4 females. The eye involvement was unilateral in 6 cases and bilateral in 4. Eye anomalies included corneolenticular adhesion 9 cases, microphthalmos 5 cases, anterior staphyloma 4 cases and posterior embryotoxon 4 cases. The other 20 cases without systemic disorder were aged 6.3±22.8 months and comprised 11 males and 9 females. The eye involvement was unilateral in 11 cases and bilateral 9. Eye anomalies included corneolenticular adhesion 4 cases, microphthalmos 7 cases, posterior embryotoxon 2 cases and sclerocornea 2 cases. Eye anomalies were significantly more frequent in cases with systemic disorders.

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