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(D−7PM−15) 白色家兎4頭4眼に線維柱帯切除術を行った後,前房にインドシアニングリーン(ICG)を注入し,走査型レーザー検眼鏡(SLO)で外眼部のICG造影を行った。穿孔性線維柱帯切除術では,濾過胞内にICGの貯留があったが,穿孔部周辺の上強膜静脈の造影はなかった。非穿孔性線維柱帯切除術では,強膜弁のある12時側に上強膜静脈の造影があった。この方法で房水流出路の観察が可能であった。濾過手術後早期の房水流出路は,濾過胞内圧,上強膜静脈圧,前房内圧の相互関係で決定されると推定された。
We performed indocyanine green (ICG) angiography using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope in 4 white rabbits following trabeculectomy and injection of ICG dye into the anterior chamber. In eyes treated by perforating trabeculectomy, the filtrating bleb showed dye pooling. No episcleral vein showed dye inflow. In eyes treated by nonperforating trabeculectomy, an episcleral vein showed dye inflow at the site adjacent to the filtering bleb. It was thus possible to observe the aqueous outflow channels by the present experimental set up. It appeared that the aqueous outflow pathways immediately after filtering surgery are determined by interactions of internal pressure in the bleb, episcleral venous pressure and the anterior chamber pressure.

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