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(D-7AM-13) 過去11年間の眼トキソカラ症36例の治療内容と視力予後について検討した。全例が片眼性であり,後極部肉芽腫型が13例(37%),周辺部腫瘤型が23例(63%)であった。無投薬またはステロイド薬の局所投与が15例,ステロイド薬のみの全身投与が9例,ステロイド薬と駆虫薬の併用が12例であり,硝子体手術を15例に行った。最終視力は1.0以上が18例(50%),0.1以下が5例(14%)であった。治療法による視力転帰には有意差はなかった。視力予後が不良であった主因は,黄斑前膜,黄斑変性,視神経萎縮であった。本症の視力予後は概して良好であること,網膜または硝子体の合併症に対しては硝子体手術が必要であることが結論される。
We reviewed 36 cases of ocular toxocariasis during the foregoing 11 years. All the cases were unilaterally affected. The series comprised posterior granulomatous type 13 cases (37%) and peripheral inflammatory type 23 cases (63%) . The therapeutic regimen included topical corticosteroid 15 cases, systemic corticosteroid alone 9 cases and systemic corticosteroid with anthelmintics 12 cases. Vitreous surgery was performed in 15 cases. The final visual acuity of 1.0 was obtained in 18 cases (50%) and of 0.1 or less in 5 cases (14%). There were no significant differences in the visual outcome as related to therapeutic modality. The poor visual outcome were mainly due to epiretinal membrane, macular degeneration or optic atrophy. The findings show that ocular toxocariasis result, in general, in fair visual outcome and that timely vitreous surgery is advocated for retinal or vitreal complications.

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