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(P1-2-11) Punctate inner choroidopathyに脈絡膜新生血管膜(CNM)を生じ,視力低下をきたした2症例を経験した。症例1は22歳の女性。−10Dの近視で,経過中右眼後極部に複数の黄白色点状病変が現れ,漿液性網膜剥離を伴うCNMを生じて視力が低下したo硝子体手術で後部硝子体剥離を作成した後、CNMは瘢痕化し,術後約1年4か月間視力は0.1で変化していない。症例2は13歳の女性。−9Dの近視で.初診時左眼CNM,網膜下出血と,両眼後極から中問周辺部に散在する点状病変を多数認めた。網膜下出血の消退とともにCNMは瘢痕化し.約9か月問視力は0.3で安定している。両例とも比較的短期間でCNMが活動性を失い,黄斑部に限局した瘢痕を残した。
We observed 2 cases of punctate inner choroidopathy with choroidal neovascularization. One was a 22-year-old female with myopia of - 10 diopters in both eyes. The right eye later developed choroidal neovascular membrane (CNM) with serous macular detachment. Multiple yellow-white spots were present in the central fundus. Posterior vitreous detachment by vitrectomy was followed by cicatrization of CNM with visual acuity at 0.1 sixteen months later. Another was a 13-year-old girl with myopia of -9 diopters. Both eyes showed spotty lesions as far as to the midperiphery. The left eye showed CNM with subretinal hemorrhage. The CNM became scarred after resolution of subretinal hemorrhage with visual acuity at 0.3 nine months later. In both cases, the CNM became inactive in a relatively short period leaving scarred localized lesion in the macula.

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