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(18-D501-4) フルオレセイン螢光造影で,隠れた脈絡膜新生血管を有した加齢性黄斑変性症例109例122眼(年齢50〜91歳,平均69.1±9.4歳)のインドシアニングリーン螢光造影所見を,Guyerらの分類にしたがって過螢光部の大きさから,focal spots, plaquesおよび両者が混在するcombination lesionsに分類した。各分類の頻度は,focal spots 39眼(32%),plaques 67眼(55%),combination lesions11眼(9%)で,Guyerらの報告とほぼ一致した。1年以上の自然経過群と光凝固術実施群において,各分類の視力予後,光凝固術の成績を検討したが,各分類間に統計学的な有意差はなかった。視力予後には新生血管の位置や活動性(activity)が影響した。
We reviewed 122 eyes with age-related macular degeneration showing occult choroidal neovascularization by fluorescein angiography. The 109 patients were aged from 50 to 91 years, average 69 years. The choroidal neovasculariza-tion was classified into three types by indocyanine green angiographic features : focal spots 39 eyes (32%) , plaques 67 eyes (55%) and combined lesions 11 eyes (9%) . The frequency was similar to that by Guyer et al. There was no difference in the natural history and results of photocoagulation among the 3 groups after follow up for 1 year or longer. It appeared that the visual outcome is more influenced by the location and activity of the underlying choroidal neovascularization.
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