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(18-D501-7) 中心性漿液性網脈絡膜症の90例91眼にインドシアニングリーン(ICG)螢光造影を行った。本症のICG造影の所見は,造影早期の螢光漏出点周囲の低螢光を75%,脈絡膜静脈の拡張を21%,網膜下への螢光漏出を85%に認め,造影中期以降の脈絡膜の著しい異常過螢光を87%に認めた。各所見の陽性率は,年代間には有意差をみなかったが,急性群と慢性群を比べると造影早期の低螢光が慢性群に有意に高かった。以上の成績から,本疾患の原発病巣は脈絡膜血管の透過性亢進であり,血液の液性成分が血管外に漏出して脈絡膜に組織液が貯留し,その結果二次的に網膜色素上皮が傷害されると思われた。
Abstract. We reviewed the indocyanine green angiographic findings of central serous chorioretinopathy in 91 eyes. Hypofluorescence around the point of leakage during the early angiographic phase was present in 75%, dilatation of choroidal veins in 21% and dye leakage in the subretinal space in 85%. Pronounced hyperfluorescence of the choroid during the late phase was present in 87%. There was no difference in the incidence of these findings among different age groups. Hypofluorescence around the point of leakage during the early phase was significantly more frequent in chronic than acute cases of the disease. The findings show that hyperpermeability of choroidal vessels is the precursor of the disease and that retinal pigment epithlium is impaired following extravasation from the affected choroidal vessels.

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