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糖尿病網膜症379例735眼につき,硝子体が網膜症の経過と治療に与える影響を検索した。平均経過観察期間は37か月である。初診時の硝子体は、完全硝子体剥離(posterior vitreous detachment:PVD)が9%,部分PVDが24%,PVD未発が67%であった。PVD群は全例が非増殖網膜症であり,網膜症の増殖化はなかった。汎網膜光凝固(panretinal photocoagulation:PRP)を54%に実施した。最終平均視力は0.4で,視力不良(0.1未満)の主因は,黄斑症(83%)であった。部分PVD群では,98%が初診時から増殖網膜症であり,86%にPRP,77%に硝子体手術を実施した。最終平均視力は0.08で,視力不良の主因は黄斑症が27%,牽引性網膜剥離が38%であった。PVD未発群では,60%が初診時から増殖網膜症であった。89%にPRP,29%に硝子体手術を実施した。経過中に非増殖網膜症の53%が増殖網膜症に移行した。最終平均視力は0.4で,視力不良の主因は,黄斑症が64%,牽引性網膜剥離が12%であった。
We evaluated the prognostic value of the vitreous in 735 eyes of 379 patients with diabetic retinopathy. Initially, the eyes showed complete posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in 9%, partial PVD in 24% and no PVD in 67%. All the 68 eyes with complete PVD remained in nonproliferative stage throughout the follow-up period averaging 37 months. Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) was performed in 54% of the 68 eyes. No eyes required vitrectomy. Final visual acuity was 0.4 in average. Maculopathy was resposible for poor vision below 0.1. Among the 172 eyes with partial PVD, 98% were initially categorized as proliferative diabetic retinopathy. PRP was performed in 86% and vitrectomy in 77%. Final visual acuity was 0.08 in average. Poor vision was due to maculopathy in 27% and tractional retinal detachment in 38%. In 495 eyes with no PVD, 60% showed proliferative retinopathy at the beginning. One-half of eyes with nonproliferative retinopathy progressed to proliferative one during the follow-up. PRP was performed in 89% and vitrectomy in 29%. Final visual acuity was 0.4. Poor vision below 0.1 was due to maculopathy in 64% and tractional retinal detachment in 12%. The study shows that the initial state of the vitreous determines the course of retinopathy and visual outcome in diabetic retinopathy even under treatment.

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