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増殖糖尿病網膜症を有する糖尿病者28例49眼の眼動脈血流速度をカラードップラー血流測定装置を用いて検討した。最大流速,最小流速,平均流速,pulsatility index (Pl)の中間値は,0.30 m/sec,0.05m/sec,0.13m/sec,1.91で,血流速度は対照の非糖尿病者より有意に低かった。増殖網膜症の活動性と血流速度の関連性も検討したが,Plのみが停止性網膜症で高値を示した.また糖尿病者では,眼動脈血流速度と年齢の間に有意な相関がみられたが,糖尿病罹病期間や血中コレステロール値,HbAlc値は相関がなかった。糖尿病大血管症が眼動脈の血流速度低下として観察されたものと考えた。
We measured the blood flow velocity in the ophthalmic artery in 49 eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We used a color Doppler imaging unit SSA-260A (Toshiba). The obtained median values were: 0.30m/sec for maximum velocity, 0.05m/sec for minimum velocity, 0.13m/sec for mean velocity and pulsatility index of 1.91. Nonparametric statistic analysis showed a significantly reduced value for each parameter than in age-matched controls. Severity of proliferative retinopathy was negatively correlated only with pulsatility index. The blood flow velocities were significantly correlated with the age and not with the duration of diabetes, total plasma cholesterol or HbA1c, Above findings suggested contribu-tion of diabetic macroangiopathy to the decreased flow velocity in the ophthalmic artery in proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

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